We hiked down to get closer to the falls! It was fun going down...not so much coming back up in long pants, jackets and our boots...it was HOT! But it was totally worth it!
It would have been more fun to get in one of these tubes and slide down!!
We hiked down to get closer to the falls! It was fun going down...not so much coming back up in long pants, jackets and our boots...it was HOT! But it was totally worth it!
It would have been more fun to get in one of these tubes and slide down!!
The girls thought the gorilla looked funny sleeping like that
"Hey...is that Uncle nICH sleeping?"
cute little Penguins!
Brown Bears (my favorite)
One of the bears got in the water to cool off. It was crazy that only a sheet a glass was between us and a big bear. Kinda scary but really cool!
Uncle nICH and PaPa sat at a bench in the shade...while the rest of us enjoyed some Seattle sun!
The girls really wanted to feed the birds and Uncle nICH was getting attacked by the birds!
nICH wanted to take this little guy home with us!
everything had a perfect place!
He goes to garage sales!
nICH counting the hard earned money...also making sure all the bills face the same way!
cHRIS was so happy to get a transformer (let us know how long it takes to put it back together)!
getting some sun with my friends
nICH and his nieces, eLLIE & aVERY
"faster uNCLE nICH faster!"
helping aVERY put her puzzle together
"watch... a magic trick!"
looking through their telescope!
Go nICHY!!
"cool shades KK"
kAI and KK having a "not so nice moment" (refer to cHRIS & jERRA's blog for a loving moment)
"hey guys I'm stuck!"
"I'm stuck"
"I'm rEALLY sTUCK!!"
mAX was so excited to go for a ride in the big truck with the "boy" nICH
After we were done unpacking the truck, all I wanted to do was go home and take a nap... that wasn't so much the same thought for nICH!
What a nice guy, huh?!!