I went to the hospital at 9:30 Wednesday morning for a non-stress test. During the test I had a couple of high blood pressures, since I was on bed rest for PIH for three weeks the nurse called my Doctor to see what he wanted. At about 11:00 the Doc said "let's have her stay for observation". So here I am thinking that I was just coming in for a simple test that would take an hour or so and then I would be on my way...I was wrong!!
I got to my labor room and the nurse came in, she told me she didn't think Dr. Nance would keep me for very long so I didn't have to change into the hospital gown...then 20 minutes later she came back in and said just kidding go ahead and change into that lovely hospital doctor was next door in a delivery and he was coming in after to decide what we were going to do! At this point I am getting a little anxious! I called nICH at work and told him to get ready to come to the hospital! So there I sat waiting...the TV on (with no sound), no book to read or magazine. I just sat in the hospital bed and tried not to break down and cry!D.r Nance came in around 12:00 and said you have two options we can do a c-section or induce. He really wanted to do a c-section since I wasn't dilated at all, but I wanted to try to be induced just to see what would happen. He said ok...but warned me I might be in labor for two days (yikes!) I called nICH at work and said "hurry up and get here"! At 12:50 they started to induce with Cytotec, and I was going to get three doses before they started Pitocin. At 4:00pm the nurse checked me and I was dilated to 1cm!! Yahoo!! We were in for a long night! A little after 6:00pm the nurse came in and started the Pitocin...and I started feeling the contractions! Then at 9:30pm my doctor came in to check out my progress...I was dilated to a 1+(at this moment I thought I was in for two days of labor) he broke my water to get things moving along...told me I was doing great and he would be back in the morning! I was so ready for the epidural by now...I asked the nurse if I had to wait till I was dilated to 2cm before I could get it...she said "no way" and went to get the doctor! Thank goodness!! My sisters and mom came to the hospital around 11:00 and hung out for awhile with was fun having them there to entertain me! They stayed until 12:30 or so and then left to go get some rest...I was told to send them text msg with updates throughout the night and they would be back in the morning. The nurse came in at 1:15 to check me again...yeah 4cm!! After she checked me she said "ya know I have a feeling you are going to go fast!" She started getting things ready in the room! 18 minutes later she checked me again...8cm...WOW!I started getting a little nervous, my little guy was on his way!! 5 minutes later I was complete...and the nurse was out the door to call Dr. Nance. He walked in my room a little after 2:00am...14 hours of labor, and 4 pushes later...Keagan was here!!
He was born at 2:25am on June 26, 2008
Weighed: 6# 9oz
Length: 19in.
Hi bABY lOVE!!
proud dADDY and his bABY bOY!
1 comment:
I'm still mad that little dude checked in after I checked out!!!!
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